Whether you manage people or projects, communication is crucial.
How often, though, have you found yourself shouting across communication
gaps that have widened into yawning chasms?
This book will help you use communication as a tool for successfully
carrying out projects, delivering service, implementing change,
strengthening teamwork, building relationships and dealing with
everyday miscommunication.
Here's an
excerpt on communicating during times of
major technological or organizational change.
TO ORDER this book in printed or pdf formats, contact my
Dorset House.
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and numerous other books sites.
Here is an overview of the contents:
SECTION 1: Gaps in Everyday Interactions
2. Getting Through: Responsibilities of the Sender
3. Misinterpretations: How Messages Cause Confusion
4. Untangling Tangled Interactions: Reaction of the Recipient
SECTION 2: Gaps in Building Relationships
5. Building a Strong Foundation
6. Appreciating and Benefiting from Communication Differences
7. Understanding the Other Party's Perspective
8. The Care and Feeding of Relationships
SECTION 3: Service Gaps
9. The Communication of Caring
10. Gathering Customer Feedback
11. Service Level Agreements: A Powerful Communication Tool
SECTION 4: Change Gaps
12. The Experience of Change
13. Changing How You Communicate During Change
14. On Becoming a Gapologist